Blankets Donation

Feed homeless to serving them to sustain the winter weather we also donate blankets during winter season.

Our Work

How & What we did

Apart from the food and feeding next comes the living, where these people are not having any homes their living is difficult so during the winters the weather condition becomes so drastic in Nizamabad that the city faces extreme downfall of the temperature. Keep this in mind we as Food Bank Nizamabad distributes the quality blankets for the homeless people to keep them warm and out of danger to sustain the conditions.

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Saving Lives & Feeding the Homeless Since 2016


Food Packets

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Get in Touch. Get Involved.

For joining our cause, volunteering, food items donations, rice bags donation, blankets donations or participating in any of the events please feel free to contact us

Near Bhoomreddy Funtionhall, Mega Water Plant Road, Nizamabad - 503001, Tata Showroom Roa

Call Us: +91 99668 30143

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