Festivals Celebrations

At Food Bank we so also celebrate all the major festivals with the homeless people by spreadig and sharing the smiles and joy.

Our Work

How & What we did

At the Food Bank Nizamabad we don’t be active on only donating the food packets but also we do celebrate the major festivals with the homeless people by being among them and cheering out loud.

On Dusserha and Diwali all the homeless people get the new cloths and sweets to enjoy the festival.

During the Christimas our Santa Claus will give them nice chocolates and different food to enjoy the day.

On the day of Holy we all as Volunteers go to the homeless and celebrate the festival of colors Holy with the bright color sprinkles spreading the smiles and joy.

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Saving Lives & Feeding the Homeless Since 2016


Food Packets

Events Conducted

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

For joining our cause, volunteering, food items donations, rice bags donation, blankets donations or participating in any of the events please feel free to contact us

Near Bhoomreddy Funtionhall, Mega Water Plant Road, Nizamabad - 503001, Tata Showroom Roa

Call Us: +91 99668 30143

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